By Viridian
Quizer posted a comment on Friday 1st September 2006 11:01am
Great chapter. You really made my night with this! ^_^
I like the way you handled the 'Remus as teacher over the holidays' thing. The sentence '"Only if you call me Remus; every time you say ‘professor’ I want to look around to see who you are addressing"' by Remus seems somewhat overused from too many other fics, but overall, you conveyed well the impression that Harry didn't just put up the whole charade to force money on Remus. Nicely done!
The revelation sequence of scenes is extremely well done, too. It didn't come across as boring or repetitive, and the great openness Harry displayed made it a very intriguing read. I'm looking forward to see more of Percy's internal thoughts, as the others' are more or less a given. Percy remains a mystery, though.
Poor Neville, gets held back by his Aunt. I wonder what is the reason for her disapproving of Luna to such an extent. Will we see more happening on this front soon?
Good to see Sirius make is reappearance, even though the situation is dire. But I expect Harry to make short work of the Dementors with his morale boost and increased magical power. Will we be told the results of Sirius' Horcrux-hunting and grave-robbing spree next chapter?
Looking forward to more! Keep it up!
vl100butch posted a comment on Friday 1st September 2006 10:57am
All I can do is encourage you to keep writing....I love this story.
Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Friday 1st September 2006 10:54am
Ah, crap. You just HAD to end this part with the Dementors, didn't you? Hope Harry's been practicing his Patronis. He would have more happy memories to draw on this time.
Other than the cliff hanger a good story, wonder how Percy's gonna turn out with the foreknoweldge that the Ministry has feet of clay. And when Harry is finally gonna fess up to Dumbledore. I figure Harry's gonna need his help to disarm the Horacruxes, espically for some objects that they want intact afterwards.
Jim Starluck posted a comment on Friday 1st September 2006 10:04am
...well that answers the question of how the Dementors would get involved. Now I have to wonder what Harry's Patronus will be like with his increased power.
Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Sunday 27th August 2006 10:49pm
I liked how Harry and Ginny supported Percy. I especially liked Harry's explanation. Nice chapter.
Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Sunday 27th August 2006 10:14pm
I liked that Ginny won the tournament. Most of the time it is expected that Harry would win, but in the tournament Ginny had a fair chance of winning, and she got the win. Its nice to see deviations from expectations. That is what this whole fic is focusing on, isn't it? I guess that's part of how you keep your writing interesting. You keep enough the same that your chatacters maintain their core selfs, however they might be affected by the world around them, but you chage key details and tweak events to keep things fresh. Nice chapter. Oh look! Another one is already up. Must go read.
Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Sunday 27th August 2006 8:28pm
Hah! Your cliffhanger is foiled by the presence of the next chapter! I shall go read it now. Bye!
Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Sunday 27th August 2006 8:03pm
I loved that last exchange. And perhaps your Naruto fans are just more starved for good fanfiction? After all, the Naruto fandom is somewhat smaller than the HP fandom. Either that or your Naruto fans are all jumped up on soldier pills, while your HP fans are a bit short on pepper up potion. I'm a fan of both, so I'm not too sure.
Reviewer-Who-Begs-For-Updates posted a comment on Sunday 27th August 2006 7:05pm
You made me get all teary. The part where Harry told off Sirius up until the "I watched him murder Dumbledor" line had me all teary eyed and chin quivery. Wonderful writing, you really managed to draw me in.
. . . Oh great. Now my nose is running. Oh well, it was worth it. On to the next chapter.
swordchucks posted a comment on Saturday 26th August 2006 11:52pm
I'm not widely read in the HP fandom world, but I have to say that I like your story a lot. The idea of the "old mind, new body" isn't a new one (I wrote Sailor Moon fics based on it back in the late '90s), but it is a good one. In fact, I just recently finished the HBP (if you make yourself wait, the gap between books seems less) and liked it a lot more than some of the previous books.
I can talk a little about why I like that book, because I like the same things about your fic. First of all, there is a major shift happening in the book where Harry goes from just the protagonist to being the hero of the story. I feel that is the reason why Dumbledore had to die, and I approve of it on that basis. Your fic has a similar theme with Harry becoming the custodian of his own destiny (and that of his friends) much earlier in the story. This is a good theme, and I like it.
Secondly, I feel that, to an extent, the focus of the books is moving away from magic and on to characters. There are still new spells and the like, but the main focus appears to be more on the people using the magic than the magic itself. Your story is obviously character centric, and I like the Ginny angle.
I think your author's notes answer a lot of the criticisms that I might offer, but not all. the largest of which is that I don't like the way Harry and Dumbledore interact. I think it's a valid way for them to interact, I just don't like it.
I think it might be a failing of Future Harry that he can't bring himself to trust others or that he plots too much.
To an extent, the martial arts stuff seems a little odd, too. I would probably do it, too (hell, I think I probably did it in the long ago Sailor Moon fic), but it's somewhat odd. Fortunately, you gloss over a lot of the martial arts stuff, just like the magic, which is the right thing to do.
There are also a few bits of plot that feel like the decision isn't quite natural (generally feeling contrived). As I don't believe there are any of these in the last chapter, I'm not going to dig out an example (since complaining about it is pointless).
Anyway, I love the writing of this story. It's a step below something I'd expect to find in print, but it's a quite small step.
Hot48cricket posted a comment on Friday 25th August 2006 5:52am
You really have a great story and you write it extremely well.
I gasped when Harry dreamed (within a dream!) that Dumbledore killed everyone! That was good.
I laughed (at my desk at work - it's a good think I work in a fun office!) where Harry said to the twins: "Deeds, not words, you uninspired bookends!" - that was brilliant!
ted slack posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 10:58am
I have no issues. I simply enjoy NoFP immensely! This story is among the very best of the many, many
Potterverse stories I've read. Keep up the great work, please.
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Sunday 20th August 2006 5:01am
It's almost hard to believe it took 29 chapters to get here. I think i've been reading on and off for a week.
But it's better than the ones that plow through the books to get to the good parts. Like the story I once read that had Harry gun down the troll with a P90 at the beginning of the chapter and then it was like the author hit fast foreward and he was shooting Quirrel, all in an 5000 word chapter.
I'm seriously looking foreward to teh next chapter.
erin5 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 8:19am
Brilliant, as ever. :)
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 5:23pm
Mellisa reminds me of someone I went to school with but I can't, for the life of me, remember who.
Great chapter.
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 3:22am
"At least I won’t have to change my initials." Looks like she has her sites set.
Evan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 9:09am
This review is actually about the picture (I couldn't say anything about this chapter that the other reviewers haven't already said, although there is plenty to say, all of it complimentary, even the nightmare, as it shows that Harry is capable of having ones about this timelime instead of the old one). Awesome picture, except that Ginny has brown eyes, not blue. Plz change that, because then it looks exactly like the 6 comrades would be.
Viridian replied:
If you do a mouse-over on the portrait, it should display that I am not the artist who drew it. It was a gift, fan-art from Raide. I just wish I could draw that well!
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 3:21am
Isn't there an old saying about fate being a bitch and having puppies or some such thing?
parakletos posted a comment on Saturday 12th August 2006 6:01am
How nice to come back from holiday and find that you had updated. The parts i enjoy most are those where things start to diverge from the timeline that Harry already knows.
Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to reading more.
Bobmin356 posted a comment on Friday 1st September 2006 11:14am