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TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 3:45pm

Very good.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 3:09pm

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 2:23pm

Good chapter, I think Harry is going to make things better this time.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 12:27pm

Good chapter. I love to see a powerful take charge kick ass Harry.


Jujuberry posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 10:23am

Wow, thanks for a new chapter! Well worth the wait.

I love Harry's realization of his desire to be in control. It's important that he recognize that trait (as he did well) and it bodes well that he can logically think things through to suppress it.

Great job, thanks again!

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 9:53am

Who cares about canon? This is your story and I love every bit of it. Canon should pretty much fly out the window since your Harry was an adult that lost its all before the final battle! Seeing you have updated always is exciting as this is one of the greatest stories period! Keep up the good work!

Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 8:06am

Perfect heroes are kind of boring after a while. I don't really have any urge to read a story where Harry ends up losing, but that doesn't mean I want the outcome to be obvious the whole time. The uncertainty in your story- whether or not you're going to kill off one or more of my favorite characters- keeps me more interested, I think.

I think the psychological aspect of this story is one of its strongest features. In this chapter I especially liked Harry's examination of his reaction when asked to tell Bill the story, and the thoughts about Sirius's relationship with Mrs. Weasley in the two time lines. I can tell you've put a lot of thought into these things, and I appreciate that.

I really get a sense of what people mean to Harry when you write him. You go way beyond "Harry loves Ginny, and Ron's his best friend" sort of characterization. I can see how some people might get turned off by that (and I suppose I might too if nothing ever actually happened), but I think it really makes this story work. A lot of redo fics are written like the author was just thinking about cool stuff Harry could do if he knew what was supposed to happen ahead of time. The world you've created seems much more realistic and engaging.

Sorry for rambling. The Point: Thanks for an awesome story. I look forward to the next chapter whenever it comes out, whether in a week, a month, or (God I hope it's not that long) a year.

storiesdr posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 4:58am

Loved it. Really enjoyed the reactions of Bill on how he died and Fred and George on the ownership of their shop. Was that Wormtail at the end? If so, another strand to the story. I'm selfish and am eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Thanks for all the pleasure you have given me from the regular re-readings of this story.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 4:24am

Very interesting start.


Roger posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 1:21am

"But aren’t perfect heroes kind of boring after a while?"

You are so right :) I am really quite sick and tired of reading fanfiction where Harry's either perfect... or only has sympathetic flaws (e.g. caring too much). It's nice to actually read a well written and well crafted fic where the characters are human, not caricatures with elements of Mary Sue.

Really looking forward to the rest of this story :)

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 5:34pm

I appreciate the chapter. Merry Christmas to you too. I think "blended Harry" is doing well for the cicumstances in which he finds himself. The dichotomy of his consciousness would be most confusing, I would think. Hopefully, as he observed, it will be easier for him as he builds some positive memories to balance all the negative ones he has. Thanks for writing. W.

spawnofthejudge posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 3:29pm

Your story is wonderful; I've reviewed that before I think, on (Dracis Tran). I only wish you could churn these out with more speed.

Well done chapter, keep up the good work.

sair_bears posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 2:08pm

Like always a great chapter, i always look foward to theses updates. Just wish theyd come a little quicker sometimes.. but as we all know we cant rush a genius :P Its nice that even though its thanksgiving you found the time to indulge your readers.

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 12:39pm

Marvelous. Simply marvelous. Can we persuade you to use this holliday weekend to write more??

Thanks, as always.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 12:22pm

Your A/N notes are to the point and I totally concur with your reasoning. I am finding your amalgamated Harry both challenging and interesting, as is the story as a whole. Thanks for all your hard work, and keep up the fine job.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 11:51am

*snicker* I loved the session with Minerva, I wonder if she's -really- wondering about him, now.

The bit with the warding was beautifully done to get good PR for the goblins, I'm sure it's going to unsettle Fudge, Umbridge, and Lucius (be interesting if it resulted in Umbridge arriving earlier).

I loved the discussions with the Weaseleys and the various reactions. I daresay he's now got Bill firmly on his side and Gred and Forge very solidly on his side.

The testing with Remus was quite fascinating and it'll be most interesting to see how he takes it when Harry can finally tell him the full story.

No, this Harry's not perfect and he's still got growing up to do, in either time line, so some of his reactions aren't going to be perfect, but it'd be a boring story if they were. As is, he knows enough and is powerful enough to be able to deal, though not easily, with 'most anything that comes his way.

Shea' Motsko posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 9:11am

I love this story and I am so thrilled with the update.

I feel so bad for Harry. He's so messed up; years of truama, abuse, war, losses uncountable & the sure knowledge that more is to come. What's worse is that he knows he's messed up. He doesn't have the comfort of ignorance, just the never-ending worry that he'll finally snap before Voldemort is truely destroyed.

While I am glad that Bill accepted him & his story so easily (because Harry really needs unconditional love & support), I can also relate to Minerva's reaction to him. She doesn't know the whole story; all she sees is an emotionally unstable young wizard of staggering power (both magically & politically) lashing out at the world in anger. In her eyes, he is acting paranoid, distrustful, vindictive and is far too young to be drawing a line in the sand. I wonder if; despite her assertion that Harry's ability to love his friends/family & his compassion for 'innocents' makes him different from Tom, if she isn't worried that he's crazy & seeing enemies in shadows that doen't exist. (even though *we* know that they do)

Anyhoo...great update! Loved Rita's articles, the Weasley family meeting & fretting Minerva. Can't wait to see more.


Jason Karr posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 8:57am

looking forward to the chapter.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 7:41am

You really are very good at this. Very interesting.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

hahaheeheehaha posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 7:30am

i like "imperfect" harry, hes way more interesting than perfect harry. i also liked the way you included deathly hallows by mentioning the beaded bag :P update as soon as you can, but you do such long chapters theyre worth the wait. thanks for writing it!