By Viridian
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 8th August 2006 3:16am
I really like this chaper, well until I thought you killed Harry, and then made it a dream. To comment on your A/N. If you would have ended it at the end of the dream. I would have had to call in an Airstrike on your computer. Because when I was reading that part, I was saying to myself is he just going to end the story here, what is going on. And then you made it a dream. I noticed that Ginny did not tell her mom about winning the dueling turnament. I am glad that even though Ginny knows that her and Harry get togather she is still taking it slow. But she adds a little more each time. I see it growing into something more next school year though. Thanks for writing a great story I await your next update.
Renzo7 posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 3:54pm
Great chapter, I liked the mad dumbledore scene and the characterizations all around. Excellent work, keep it up and please update soon.
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 2:51pm
Great ending there. Maybe with the way Harry is treating Percy he will start being a bit less pratish. I can't wait to see the explosion that the Weasley parents are sure to have when Harry tells them what the others know after they have mastered Occlumency
brad posted a comment on Friday 4th August 2006 12:59pm
Great chapter. As always I am seriously impressed by your craftsmanship.
I've probably said it before, but I only recently worked out what is in common with this story and the other four which are in my what-did-I-do-before-I-read-these stories. In NoFP you make the love and support these people have for each other *shine*, and I just love the story for that. You normally show it to us from Harry's perspective, but there's enough narrative and other views to keep that particular aspect of the story at a high level throughout.
(For some reason I found myself this morning thinking of that little flashback - or is it 'flashforward'? - where Harry is trapped by wreckage and Hermione holds his hand and strokes his hair to soothe him while Ron digs him out. Solid Trio love, replaced by a growing sextet equivalent in the new timeline)
I also marvel at the wonderful potential you have for drama with the - continuing, as it turns out - theme of Harry revealing his secret and his knowledge of the future to his closest friends and family. The tension for the grand announcement to the other five children had been growing for *yonks*, and you broke it magnificently when they rescued Ginny; you delivered a wonderful charge of emotional payload with that chapter.
I just realised on reading this latest segment that you're going to be able to repeat that device several more times. Thinking about it, the scene where Harry told his first confident, Sirius, was also very effective. And now we've got the Weasley parents coming up, something to which I am particularly looking forward. I suspect that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, being adults, more suspicious of kids, not knowing Harry as well as his friends, etcetera, may require more evidence than merely his retelling his story. I'm wondering if he's going to have to SHOW them, in a pensieve - 'a picture is worth a thousand words', after all - in order to convince them, and make damn sure that Molly doesn't decide to do a side run to Dumbledore for a second opinion on the possibly deranged boy she's adopted. If there's anything that would convince Molly as to Harry's good faith it would probably be his memories of finding Ginny in the rubble of Hogwarts ... accompanied by some inside information like 'Mollywobbles' ... and there you have another emotional cusp of your story, studying their reaction to his memories being played out visually. This 'Harry-tells-his-tale' thing could keep popping up with its emotional payload for quite a few chapters to come - the twins, Percy (love how you're treating his canon personality so well) ... and I love it!
Other notes and hopes - I do pray that we see Neville use his new-timeline backbone and take off to see Luna. First off, it would be a great demonstration of how he, maybe more than any of the others, has changed under Harry's meddling. But mainly, I've always felt sorry for Luna, and even in your story I'm always slightly on edge looking for signs that she maybe isn't as accepted as the others (maybe being an outsider myself, always on the fringe of the gang, I'm sensitive to this). Like, she isn't hugged by the boys like Hermione is. Although Hermione instigated the hugs, so maybe that's OK ... but I would have liked to see them give her a hug when they left her at her home, particularly given the somewhat negative/dismal note on which they parted. Oh well. They *are* twelve-year-old boys.
Bloody powerful image, Neville and Hermione dying in the future, lying helplessly side-by-side. The whole Dumbledore thing is yet another fascinating thread in the tapestry you're weaving in this intriguing story.
I was *so pleased* to read of the girls' preparations against being obliviated ... so many times in fan fiction I wonder why the hell someone - usually Hermione - doesn't think of such things, which are written in umpteen books and stories in the muggle world at least. Like having a system of passwords so none of them will be surprised by a polyjuiced imposter (in stories where the possibility is greater than normal). Etcetera. Good stuff. Thank you for continuing your wonderful story.
ffp.1 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2006 6:19pm
I Love this fic It has to be one of my favorites. PLEASE keep writing!
Kuro posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2006 6:08pm
I love this fanfic as well, your are quickly becoming one of my favourite fanfic authors at the moment-despite the fact Ive only read this and Team 8. I waited until I read everything before posting a review. Normally I don't bother with reviews, so that says alot about how much I like your writing. Strangely enough it doesn't bother me that the characters are different from the books. You have a logical reason for making them act the way they do. I love the relationship between Neville and Luna. I also thought the dream in this chapter was brilliant. Anyways, its incredibly late, I will leave it at this. Thanks alot, and keep writing!
Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2006 2:52am
A Good chapter. I could have done without the nightmare but it actually would have been to fluffy then so.....
Bethany posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 5:49pm
Okay, can I just say I stood up and started yelling "what" over and over again when I read the Harry blowing up scene. My 2 year old was looking at me like I'd lost it. Ahh, it was so mean of you to give us all heart attacks, but it was a very good scene and I was so glad when Harry woke up!!
I love that you have made Mr. Weasley the one who wears the pants in the family. It seems like he is kinda a pansy in some fanfic and canon. The way he put his foot down about Dumbledore not being allowed in the wards, and how he trusts Harry. I am really enjoying his character. I just hope Mrs. Weasley will come around soon and realize she needs to start looking at Dumbledore as a human, not the savior she sees him as.
Excellent chapter, I can't wait to see more.
david abbey1 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 5:40pm
here i am enjoying another fine chapter of your story when BAM!! you hit us with the dumbledore dream. and all i can think is " he's ending it, one of the best stories in fan fiction, and now its over."
amagine my relief when i realised there was still a half a chapter to go. DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN. i will flame you so bad...
"uninspired bookends? Look for all the red-heads?" Can you two please go be mental on your own time?" all very funny.
really this is one of my favorite storys on fanficauthors. and i look forwart to it every month. just don't scare me like that!!
Nogoalielikeme posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 2:01pm
this story is soooo awesome! i LOVE it!
Kim Patterson posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 12:18pm
I just can't say it enough...I LOVE THIS STORY! Places where I laughed...where Harry & Ginny teamed up with Percy, the interaction between harry & Mr & Mrs Weasley (I'm guessing they will find out everything next chapter).
Things I'm looking forward to seeing: Neville's interaction with his Grandmother, Percy's continued character growth, The adult Weasleys reactions to the big secret, and continued tension with Professor Dumbledore.
Compliments: I love how well you are developing these characters and their interactions with each other as well as all the wonderful plots and bunnys in this storyline. I don't know how you come up with it all, but awesome job!
Eagerly waiting,
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 7:08am
A most wonderful chapter. I will admit that I had to leave the chapter during the dream scene to go explode . . . I was not happy with the thought that Dumbledore would interfere . . . after I calmed down and came back, I was gratified to realize that it WAS a dream. I hope the Weasleys advance now that Harry is there to help them. So that all the secrets can finally be let out. I look forward to more.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 3:33am
wonderful chapter - I certainly hope that your nasty dream about nasty old dumbledore is not foreshadowing.. that just wouldn't be right
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 11:22pm
Great chapter V! I really thought the end bit was great once I went back and re-read it slower. You've done awesome work so far as I went back and re-read the whole monster the other day and wow! I hadn't been caught up since maybe the beginning of Year2! I love how you have handled the "relationships" of the kids so far. Excellent job on the small plot changes and twists you totally got me with draco's PJP and break in job! Cheers!
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 9:16pm
Great chapter. Nice to see an update so quickly after Team 8!
The scene with Dumbledore was pretty mean! A nightmare within a nightmare, huh? Does something like this really happen?
The scene was a pretty big shock, and I felt the horror. For a moment, I expected another time travel event to return shortly before the Obliviation scene. The 'dream within a dream' thing totally caught me off guard.
This time I would have felt a bit betrayed, if I hadn't been busy being glad that everything is still fine. Your writing is really compelling, you know that?
That bit about the seer buried in the conversation with Dumbledore sounds disquieting to say the least. It brings to mind once again how much damage Dumbledore could do with his blindly given trust.
The scene with Ginny was very well done, and the little facts she revealed to him show once again that Harry isn't omniscient - a mistake that even I am prone to make occasionally.
That foreboding statement at the end sounds interesting, to say the least. I realize though it doesn't necessarily have to mean something bad.
The scene where they rushed to defend Percy was very good, too. Percy is a vastly underrated character in the HP fandom. Approached the right way, he'd make a powerful ally.
The one where Harry tested the Weasley parents' occlumency was very well done, too. You skillfully conveyed the difficulty they have about accepting Dumbledore may be less than trustworthy, but Harry broadcasting that image at the end should buy him some peace from Mrs. Weasley.
Also, Neville's problems with his gran seem to be more pronounced than was obvious so far. I'm looking forward to see how that works out.
looking forward to the next chapter!
till then
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 3:13pm
Excellent chapter. I liked the dream, but not in a 'let's have that happen' sort of way. It did well to highlight Harry's view of Dumbledore.
I look forward to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley being informed about Harry's unique history (future) and their reactions. Will they place more restrictions on Harry's interaction with the children, specifically looking out for 'adult' behavior?
Mike (MoA)
Beverly posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 3:10pm
Have I mentioned I absolutely LOVE this story?
I can't even begin to list off reasons, there are so many!
I had to sign up on this webpage just so i could read this chapter. And I've gotta didnt disapoint!
Prince Charon posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 2:52pm
Thank you for the update.
Very interesting. I like how the characters are shaping up.
More soon, please
MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 2:19pm
"that not only liked to cook and "
-shouldn't that be "that not only liked to cook but.."?
-why is that hyphenated?
"You had to do that right here," Ron said. "I hope we’re riding the Knight Bus. I don’t want
to see her drive in such a state."
-made me laugh.
Please borrow Aaron St. Vines's Mr. Granger for your story.
"Maybe not for you," Ron said with a laugh. "Mr. Smooth."
-Harry?! Mr. Smooth? Of course if I went back to that age, I'd hope that I'd be at least a
bit better in conversation. Looking forward to more of Neville's Gran.
"Shouldn’t listen in on private conversations, now, should you?" Ron taunted with a grin
-Go Ron!
especially not with the influence his father still wields."
-What was the final outcome of Mr. Weasley Christmas surprise to Mr. Malfoy? How did LM
wiggle out of it? Oh..right..bribes, of course. Hope he had to pay and pay and pay...
a progressive approach to non-traditional magic’
-Great phrase! I can just see the course guide - The Unforgivables: a firm foundation for
the upward bound.
Hermione is going not only going to flip when she finds out about that rule, but I imagine
she'll let every other Muggle-born know. That rule makes sense but I like how it isn't
common knowledge.
Harry nodded. "They should. He’ll be teaching at Hogwarts next term."
-seems too sure of himself. Send Moody instead.
He seemed as enthusiastic about this as he did Muggle technology. Harry wondered if it was
learning about something previously unknown to him that made him so excited.
-Nice take on Mr. Weasley's character.
"I’m sorry, Harry," Dumbledore said, "but this is for the best. Obliviate."
-I was really hating Dumbledore right then. The sad thing is that it seemed so in character.
The man had the advantage of both power and skill over him,
-I can see power, but skill? I doubt Dumbledore killed quite as often and creatively as Harry had to. Once he is at full power, I'd put my money on Harry.
He thinks Professor Dumbledore’s judgment is a little queer where you are concerned."
-I really to like your Mr. Weasley.
He’d never heard of such a thing happening before, but it did make for a very dramatic ending. He’d think back, later, on the irony of such a thought.
"What’s wrong, Ginny?" Ron smirked, "Jealous?"
-Ron gets in some really good lines in this chapter. Keep it up.
If he didn’t want her wandering around the castle at night with some strange bloke... How much do you trust Dean and Seamus, anyway?
a society where they are given access to deadly weapons at the age of eleven
-In the US we wait until 16. Teenage drivers (shudders).
Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 8th August 2006 12:50pm