By Viridian
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Sunday 14th May 2006 1:56am
Wow! Quite an ending. Of course, with Harry using his team from early on, the legend of The Boy Who Lived will necessarily be slightly weaker and the legend of "Potter's Raiders" will be greater ;-) That will make Harry's life a bit easier, I think, and will possibly help soothe Ron's ego at certain strategic moments.
What I really love about this story is how fate insists on her jests. You ensure that the familiar elements (Crookshanks, Pig, the polyjuice potion and so on) continue to be used even if the context is different. This means that this is a unique little alternate version of Harry's adventures.
Hmm! I wonder what Snape is going to do now. It is possible that his devotion to Draco (I'm convinced he is Draco's godfather) could be so great that he tried to persuade Dumbledore to let the boy return and it turned into a "it's him or me" ultimatum about Harry. So long, Snape. My concern is that, outside of Dumbledore's influence, he may easily become a worse enemy than Wormtail ever was.
Alternately, it is possible that Lucius' actions have convinced Dumbledore much earlier that the Death Eater threat must be countered and that Snape is off on a risky deep-cover mission to monitor and, if possible, hinder their plots.
I'll be looking forward to your next story.
BenRG's Rating: 8.5/10 - Brilliant, original writing.
Carolyn1 posted a comment on Sunday 14th May 2006 1:20am
Yeah! Now when will Harry tell Dumbledore about what is happening? 'Cause things are going to be changing more rapidly, and Harry could use all the help he can get.
Mayjest posted a comment on Sunday 14th May 2006 12:49am
Yay! Snape and Draco are gone! Bloody brilliant! Very nicely done, your standard ideal of beefing up the normal fights (e.g. the troll) remains constant. I would have hoped that Dumbledore could have arranged for Lucious to be removed as govener, but we can't have everything in life.
How are you gonna get the Dementors to Hogwarts in third year when Sirius broke out a year ago?
Quizer posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 11:56pm
Oh you bet it was! The perfect chapter! :D
I wonder how much worse off Lockhart actually is this time. Is worse actually possible? I mean, he already obliviated himself fully the last time around. I could probably see adjacent brain partitions that have nothing to do with memory storage being damaged as well. Or a full brain wipe, leaving him in a state similiar to that of a dementor victim... We haven't seen the last of Lockhart yet, have we?
Same for Snape and Malfoy, they will probably (make that very likely) come back to bite us. Still, Hogwarts is a much nicer place without those two. The idea of Dumbledore teaching potions isn't new, but it makes sense, given he he is renowned for his successes in the field of alchemy. But I haven't seen it executed to satisfaction so far. In 'Backwards Compatible', we get to see one 'example lesson', but since Harry doesn't take potions anymore, it doesn't really matter largely...
I wonder what is going to happen to the basilisk parts. Why didn't Harry even take a fang with him? They seem to make pretty good Horcrux destroyers and also a weapon of which the slightest cut would be fatal (of course that can be just as unfortunate for the wielder as for the target...) I guess Harry will have to come back there at least once, though. Perhaps he could also take Dumbledore down there, I imagine the old codger would know what to do with the Basilisk parts...
I'm also very much looking forward to the part(s) where Harry and co. will have a more extended session to talk about Future's History and other things Harry knows...
Oh, and is Harry going to 'discover' the RoR anytime soon? :D
Lufio posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 10:51pm
That was quite nice, sir.
Role reversal with Draco
Made for a good twist.
Patches posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 9:31pm
Yeah! This is a really good chapter. I like the way you resolved the Chamber of Secrets problem and especially the Lockhart problem. It is nice to see he did it to himself again! I am so glad Harry finally told his friends and that Ginny is happy with their progress. things are looking up. Thanks for writing and I look forward to the Quiditch game coming up!
solar1 posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 9:13pm
great chapter as always! but this one is probably the best ever!
wraithnx01 posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 8:05pm
Brilliant update as ever. This has rapidly become one of my top preferred Harry Potter stories to read. Loving it. Thank you.
WWIIIKitten posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 7:19pm
Great chapter! I can't really point out all the things I liked about it, because I'm still reeling from the fact that I guessed Hermione's initial reaction almost verbatim.
"We all died, didn't we?" Woohoo! I guessed right, I guessed right, I guessed right!
Kit - *does little happy dance*
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 7:07pm
Excellent Excellent Chapter, I think that Harry and Ginny are going to have a great summer. I wonder who is giving the Malfoy's information(Draco from the future Maybe). I know that his friends would stick by his side. Year 3 will be the biggest change of all. Keep up the great writing and update soon.
Michael69 posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 6:09pm
Love when that hell thingy breaks loose. So many cool things happen. Loved your latest chapter, can't wait for the next to come. The ending was really nice too. Made me think of milkshakes and strawberries....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Strawberry Milkshakes.....
Tammy S posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 6:09pm
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! My all time favorite fanfic! Please don't be too long with the next chapter. Looking very forward to it.
ttestagr posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 5:56pm
I squealed like a little girl. I've been waiting for this for a while now, and it was as good as I imagined it.
Harry keeping on questioning fate is amusing me too, since there is a much better explanation (which Luna would be able to explain perfectly and hilariously): A lot of things are happening the same way because the events and people are still basically the same this time around. Snape and Draco were bastards looking to make their lives hard, Voldemort was trying to get the stone, Lucious was targetting Ginny specifically to get Arthur and his Muggle Protection Act scrapped.
Amusingly things seem to be getting far more dangerous than they were origionally. Snape getting sacked could be just the thing to send him running to Voldie early, and Malfoy is still a governor, and able to affect Hogwarts (which balances the removal of Snape and Draco). Crouch is still out there and Pettigrew hasn't been dealth with either. The ministry is also taking a stand on Sirius to keep a controversy from breaking out, making them an enemy. Harry and his friends have also shown the Death Eaters that they are a big threat and can't be taken lighly by defeating the basalisk on their own and telling the story with them there. All in all things are much better for Harry personally, but the situation in the wizarding world is a bit worse.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 5:22pm
Bravo!! A most excellent turn that was well worth the wait. It's going to be real interesting to see the ripple effects now that the timelines have well and truly diverged.
Ah, you might want to check the html for the paragraph right before the break to Ginny in the hospital, there seems to be a font and size change.
Duraiken posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 5:08pm
Ahh, just caught a notice for this chapter from while I was rereading it here, and found this when I finished catching up. This story has had me by the seat of my pants since the second chapter, moreso with each one after. I'm really looking forward what's next, with this and Team 8.
Though reguarding loose ends; who is the mysterious plotter we see mentioned? Considering Draco's sloppy behaviour in this story arc, I'm inclined to believe Draco has largely been someone else's pawn, I just can't figure out who. I'm fairly certain the mastermind is a Slytherin, or possibly a Ravenclaw, but further details just aren't there.
Well anyway, may you and your muse have as few disagreements as possible!
anonymous5 posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 5:02pm
Spectacular climax & resolution. After over two dozen (good and long) chapters, original idea after original idea, and character development with innumerable twists, it's as though you moved the final pawn on your chessboard to send the whole bloody mess into a delightfully complicated and elegant checkmate. I was pleased when I checked this evening and discovered a new chapter; I'm somehow both tickled and awestruck at how well it was executed.
Thank you thank you thank you. I know I'm gushing, but this story has been an absolute joy to read. I'll even spare you the "update soon!" admonishment - I'd love to read more as quickly as I can, but I'm still basking in how well you pulled off this latest installment. Thanks again!!
yerocfponk posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 4:51pm
Wow I'm really happy that this story is veering off the beaten path and adding new material to the story, instead of a time travel fic where everything goes perfectly and you never have any surprises. The characters have all acted like they do in canon for the most part IMO bravo on that. With Snape gettings sacked and Draco getting expelled I no longer know which way is up and I'm loving it. Then that last scene with Harry and Ginny was just perfect and I can't wait for the sequel.
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 4:39pm
A most wonderful chapter . . . I'm glad Snape's gone . . . and I hope Harry is smart enough to realise that the Malfoy's will cause problems in his new future . . .
Thanks for sharing
jayley posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 4:35pm
awesome!!! i can't believe how you managed to get ginny the diary, ingenious! i'm glad all of his friend's finally know his secret too! can't wait for year three!!!
RonaldWeasley posted a comment on Sunday 14th May 2006 2:14am