By Viridian
glorfy posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 5:09pm
as always, nice work.
*insert applause here*
Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 4:30pm
Ok, that was a very nice bit of writing, and well worth the wait. That said, I hope the next chapter is already being worked on, because that cliffhanger was a really lousy place to leave us hanging. :-)
It looks like there might be some trouble on the Ginny front, one almost has to wonder if Harry should've checked to make sure that the diary he has in his trunk is the real item and not a copy. Oh well, I'm sure that we'll find out soon enough as the next chapter rolls around. You've done an very good job sharing time with all the cast members, which is getting more difficult as time goes on and his circle of friends keeps inching larger.
Thanks for sharing with us.
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 3:22pm
Interesting chapter . . . I look forward to more as the progress continues . . .
Bobmin356 posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 3:11pm
You leave us with a cliff hanger and expect a good review? You are evil and must be destroyed!
angrymonkey posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 2:49pm
O.k, is it just me or is Harry extremely accident prone in this story? Not that I'm complaining, in fact the fact that he gets injured regularly makes the story more interesting than it would be if he were super-Harry.
Great chapter, please update soon.
xalphardx posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 2:48pm
EXCELLENT!! It would be wonderful if you could update more often, but I understand you have a real life.
John Conner posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 2:41pm
Excellent chapter. Of course it leaves 3 questions floating around in my mind. 1) will we be seeing Slughorn show up soon, and give Snape the boot? 2) who attacked Harry, (probably Draco)? 3) Was Snape in on the attack?
Keep up the excellent work. I look forward to seeing the next chapter.
David Wangen posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 2:23pm
You're evil. Evil. Evil. And now we'll have to wait _forever_ for the cliffie to be resolved, won't we?
Yojo posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 1:27pm
Very nice chapter, I love how nervious Harry is getting, and the insight into Mr. Weasley was very well done. But the cliffhanger, that was just mean!
Katherine posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 1:26pm
I am guessing this is what Draco had planned and Snape gave Harry detention after Draco asked or ordered him too. I hope Draco doesn't have any Vertisarum on him when Harry wakes up. And I hope Harry kicks the ass of Draco and whoever is there to help interrogate Harry. Perhaps a Killing Curse at Malfoy Jr. as self-defense? Bet Harry and Rita could use what Draco is about to do to totally destroy the Malfoy name and hopefully get him expelled. Hope Harry doesn’t spill any of his secrets. And I also hope this is a lesson to Harry to pay more attention to his surroundings he has gotten comfortable in his surroundings less say. He should know that Hogwarts is not a safe place. Will Harry escape? Will Harry’s friends come looking for him? Or will his kidnappers do what they needed to do and erase his memory and let him go? Hope you don't leave us hanging to long.
amulder posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 1:26pm
I hate cliffhangers. I'm going to have to have a stern word with Kokopelli for letting you get away with one.
I hate Snape also. Probably not as much as Harry does, but still. I so long for Harry to just tell Snape that he will no longer sit for his unjustified detentions. Dare the man to have him expelled. Hary *knows* that he's got Dumbledore over a barrel. Especially *this* Harry, with all his foreknowledge, and the knowledge of the prophecy. There is no WAY that Dumbledore would let him be expelled. WHY put up with this crap!?
And Ginny, something is going on there.
Oh, before I forget. Very nice introduction with the Arthur POV piece. nice summation, nice insight. Much as the wait irks me, I also like how much a struggle it is for them to learn occlumency.
antoine posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 1:01pm
i am verrrrrrrrrry releived you updated ive been checking every day, p.l.e.a.s.e update again soon!
freakyfinger posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 12:18pm
Hmm . . I thought Harry would be more alert than to be caught by a miserable stunning spell . . . well good story anyway
Daven posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 5:50pm
Good stuff, really like it. keep up the good work ^^
salamangkero posted a comment on Thursday 20th April 2006 2:20pm
just happened to pass by this web site and read your fan fic. i remember reading this fan in another site under the author s'tarkan. though i must say this is one of the best i've read (and i've read a lot!)
Damon Ring posted a comment on Thursday 20th April 2006 1:07am
This is one of the finest time travel/dimension jump stories i have ever read in the Potterverse, or in any other verse for that matter. In my humble opinion it is better than a lot of the published works i have come across.
Keep up the good work, may the voices always talk to you late at night.
Christine4 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 11:31am
I usually don't read the "back in time" stories but yours is quite well written and enjoyable. I look forward to your next update whenever it may come.
Thank you for sharing your imagination.
amulder posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 4:56am
Still lookin forward to more of this. How are things going with that?
I think many reviewers, and folks on the yahoo group, have wondered a lot about how Harry's friends will react when they learn the truth.
I'm actually more wondering just what is going to happen with "poor" Snape once the crew are all able to keep him out of their heads via Occlumency.
The bit with Percy was also well done. Hmm. It would be even more interesting to have him discover a means to "deal with" Snape on the issue of his using legilmency on students.
What about establishing a new directive from the Board of Governors? "as there is a Legilimens on staff, all students are permitted to wear occlumency talismans (what did harry call them? crystals or jewels or some such) anywhere on the grounds".
thanks for sharing
Lincoln posted a comment on Sunday 16th April 2006 11:35am
Hi there,
Don't think that because this doesn't get quite the same harvest of reviews, that it isn't as appreciated. This is bloody marvelous! I'm just hanging out for when he can clue Ginny in. the 'age difference' may be a problem, but i think she's showing a lot more maturity and depth than Harry appears to be giving her credit for!
I know what a heavy workload does to one's creative ability. 16 hour days are hammering me into the ground, but stories like this one (NFP) keep me going back the next day with a sense of humour restored!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 5:55pm