By Viridian
Paddy_Murphy posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2015 8:44am
2 NoFP updates in less than 2 months? Oh, frabjous day!
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2015 5:32am
Does this version really have 1400 or so words more than the one at FFN? Thanks for writing. W.
witowsmp posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 10:33pm
It's always good to get an update.
Ilonwy posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 9:02pm
Thank you so much for updating so quickly!! I can't wait to read about the tournament.
scribbler posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 6:03pm
Hate Harry/Ginny. Never, ever understood why she-who-must-not-write-epilogs thought that such a pairing would work out. Almost as bad as Hermione/MoRon.
Kilroy posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 5:18pm
I guess the Ministry doesn't want the Tri-Wizard Tournament to actually foster good relations with Magical France or Beauxbatons, then. Umbridge in the same event as Madame Maxime (and probable champion Fleur Delacour) is a disaster waiting to happen.
And with Snape as Durmstrang headmaster, can Draco be far behind?
I am very glad to see this so soon after the previous chapter. Thank you.
Duraiken posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 4:16pm
Umbridge. Ugh. Not a good sign when things with Umbridge appearing. Still, in spite of that, it feels like the plot is proceeding at a pretty good pace, and the twist with Percy was pretty interesting. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Edward Becerra posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 3:53pm
"Yes, I am bringing in one of the most detested characters in the Potterverse, and I’m doing it early!"
You're bringing in young Dennis? You Cad! You bounder! You monster!
Good to read another chapter, and I enjoyed it. Have to go shopping, but a longer review will follow. Ta!
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2015 12:29am
"Professor Sprout was just giving them, along with the Potions teacher and School Matron, an update on the greenhouses when the Headmaster felt a disturbance in the wards."
Admit it, you were tempted to type "force" here... xD
slickrcbd posted a comment on Saturday 7th March 2015 10:37pm
Darn, resorting to a cliffhanger after the first chapter in two and a half years? Taking Alfred Hitchcock's "Keep the readers in suspense" a little far now. Given it has been almost 3 year intervals between chapters, it seems a bit much (09, 12, 15)
Duraiken posted a comment on Saturday 7th March 2015 12:22am
Should've posted a review when I read it when this was first posted, but I'm pretty sure when I read it a few weeks ago I was up late and needed to sleep once I was done reading; I do that more often than I should but :shrug:
Anyway, love what I'm seeing here. Aftter the dealing with the aftermath of the Dementor attack, it feels like slice-of-stuff, finishing up third year, starting the summer, etc. And then the Quidditch Cup starts. There was a bit of foreshadowing here and there, but that cliffhanger still feels like a blindside, which is probably a good thing here. Can't wait to see what comes next.
WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Monday 2nd March 2015 8:15pm
I wonder if there are any Potter properties that the Weasleys could relocate to while "raising" Harry giving them more room and better protection?
WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Monday 2nd March 2015 6:51pm
This is sounding a lot like Snape made a visit and left commands in the Dursleys to make them more vicious...especially that remark about "bloody James Potter".
Zaion posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2015 8:00pm
Rereading this entire story again for the first time in a couple of years, and got to the part where Melissa was introduced in this chapter and nearly cried. I still remember crying when she died the first time I read it, and that memory came flooding back.
akhtum71 posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2015 4:35pm
hey man thought u had stopped writing completly.really hope you can come up with some idea of continuing team 8.luved it.
Adaria posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2015 2:09am
Gah! The cliff hanger! Not cool man! Now I really can't wait for the next update, it was bad enough you left Team 8 on a cliffie, but now this one too? This level of anticipation should be illegal dude. Great chapter as always, went and reread the whole thing before I read the new chappie. Still a great story. Caught a few grammar and spelling mistakes, but the biggest one, which I'm sure several people have alreadt informed you of, would be the 'p. Pointed', in the last paragraph.
Man of Kent - Railwayman posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2015 5:36pm
An excellent story
xLocke posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2015 5:15pm
I am beside myself with joy to get to read this entire story again just to read this chapter. three years almost since the last update and you can imagine my surprise when I received an email saying a chapter had been added. I hope this means this will continue! Thanks so much Viridian!
Kimberly Patterson posted a comment on Wednesday 25th February 2015 12:26pm
So very excited that you've updated NOFP. This remains my favorite fanfic, even incomplete as it is.
Nice cliffhanger. I didn't see that coming, but it fits. Also loved slug horns conversation with Pansy, Harry's chat with Charlie, and Ron being clever and Percy showing some intelligence and loyalty.
Thanks again in for the brilliant update!
mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2015 6:03pm