There's Always a Way
Who you gonna call...?
By Viridian
Jevandodo posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 7:17am for Who you gonna call...?
Love it excellently written and I love the fact that you dont follow the typical line and keep it simple but still with enough explanation to be able to understand whats going on Well Done.
Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 4:46pm for Who you gonna call...?
AH! A character that deals with things the way they need to be dealt with. Thanks for the Happy Ending!
LazLong posted a comment on Sunday 14th January 2007 9:39pm for Who you gonna call...?
This is great story. I like irony, humour and drama - all this in neat packing, together. Versatile as life itself.
Zvoni posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 9:23pm for Who you gonna call...?
LOL.... i remember reading this elsewhere.
"...the scariest Englishman since Keith Richards got wasted ...."
In my opinion this phrase should become an instant evergreen!!!!!!!
Terrible Tues posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2006 1:07pm for Who you gonna call...?
Thank you for this terrific, story. You've shown an amazing amount of creativity in such a short fic. I haven't read anything else with a character or plot that is at all similar to this.
taxzombie posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 6:03am for Who you gonna call...?
Excellent, most excellent. One of the best one shot's I've read in quite a while. Good flow, solid storyline, and I especially appreciated what you did to Fudge. heh.
Seriously a dang fine story.
Bobboky posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 5:09pm for Who you gonna call...?
still way awesome
readerofhp posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 4:08am for Who you gonna call...?
well, that's one way to deal with a marriage law. i love this way. what happaned to snape though?
saugart posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 2:18pm for Who you gonna call...?
This was such a pleasure to read. Thank you for writing this.
It's a clever idea. Well done. I wonder how he killed Lucius. I hope that he poisoned Draco in front of Lucius; that would add to Lucy's suffering. It's too bad that Lucius didn't get burned to death alive in the fire, but the house elves did have to scatter to the four winds first, and wouldn't have done so if Lucy were still alive.
I don't even have a grammatical nit or spelling nit to pick. Thanks also for taking the time to learn about how to be careful about those details.
Sunhawk posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 7:51pm for Who you gonna call...?
Heh. Good oneshot you have here.
By the by... where might one find this "marriage law challenge"? I've always had a fondness for these challenges ^_^
Brad1 posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 7:05pm for Who you gonna call...?
loved it keep up the awesome writing i like the idea of fixers fixing fudge both malfoy's and all the puremorons!
sugarbear68 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 12:31pm for Who you gonna call...?
I've read this story several times, but don't think I've ever commented on it. I think it is fabulous. I've read several stories dealing with "marriage laws," but this one brings a unique perspective and resolution tool into the mix. Thanks for all the great work you do. I look forward to another installment of "Nightmares."
n4zhg posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 1:21pm for Who you gonna call...?
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
I wish I could send this story to every member of congress and every agent of the state as a reminder that their authority is limited by the consent of the populace, and that the error of their ways may just be brought to their attention by Doctor Guillotine. Without warning or appeal.
As another person on my side of the pond sez, "The Second Amendment ain't about huntin' ducks."
Wooster posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 3:29pm for Who you gonna call...?
Is it bad that I found this story to be extrememly humorous? Kind of an excellent black humor...which is my favorite anyway. Brilliant did you come up with it? And why isn't it on phoenixsong? Oh well. I salute you, it was brilliant.
I also liked the line about Narcissa coming down with a case of 'dead'. Very funny. (In a dark way)
Great character...and somehow I can see Fudge doing it. Which just makes it better. While we like to believe that mass murder should be looked down on, sometimes it feels good to let loose on some fictional characters that REALLY deserve it. :D
Brad Crawford posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 7:18pm for Who you gonna call...?
wow loved this and the new chapter of your other story! i cant wait for more i think a nice epilogue of what happens in the future for everyone would be good! i think if remus didnt make it your hfixer would make tonks a nice partner!
battlechild posted a comment on Friday 19th May 2006 3:00pm for Who you gonna call...?
I relly like your way of handling the Marrage Law Challange.
The rest of the stories I have read for this challange (4 or 5 anyway) just were not as effective :).
Tim Green
Alorkin posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 12:59am for Who you gonna call...?
A very well thought out revenge. I used the Romeo and Juliet angle, but I really never considered the idea of 'selective elimination'. Good on you! I liked the way you had Rilay infiltrate, get his information, execute and then leave, in a manner so as to maybe make *some* people actually think "This can be a bad thing!)
Fudge was a blight on the body politic of any nation on this planet, and should have been eliminatred long before. Nobody that stupid should be allowed to live. Alorkin
Allisan posted a comment on Sunday 23rd April 2006 3:46am for Who you gonna call...?
Great story! Well written vindetta. It made me want to stand up and cheer. I just wish you had gone into more detail, more dialog, and made it longer. But wanting more of the same is not a bad way to leave your reader. Thanks for sharing!
Abhijith S posted a comment on Saturday 15th April 2006 10:35pm for Who you gonna call...?
Nice one-shot... Really sticking it right up ministry's butt... It is really unique compared to any of the other stories I have read...
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 7:05pm for Who you gonna call...?