Team 8
A Fearful Fallout
By Viridian
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 2:26pm for A Fearful Fallout
Six months I've waited for this! Six months. And damned if it wasn't worth it, but jaysus on the cross that was a hard wait.
I did not at all expect the Neji scene or the effect on the cb seal. Very nice touch. As always an imaginative, well crafted and excellently executed chapter. Thank you.
But for all that's holy, PLEASE don't make us wait so long for the next one!
Joe Fenton posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 2:26pm for A Fearful Fallout
Good job in getting Neji to watch out for Hinata. That fits with the new, more perceptive, Naruto. A nice chapter is a great present, even a day late. :)
Crazy posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 1:42pm for A Fearful Fallout
That, was an AWESOME chapter!!!!
I loved it.
NeoFenrir posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 12:05pm for A Fearful Fallout
Awesome chapter, as always. Couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift.
I loved the interactions with the Sand Siblings, and hope for more in the future. Your Serious!Jiraiya was likewise awesome. Love the old pervert, hopefully his fate will be different than in canon. I was really happy to see the Finding Tsunade arc is still going to happen, and cannot wait to see how you do it.
TMorrow posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 12:01pm for A Fearful Fallout
The plot thickens... I like very much.
Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 11:55am for A Fearful Fallout
Yay, new chapter at last! I'm glad to see that Naruto did field test something on Neji, though I suspect he wouldn't have been too concerned if the test had been a failure, as long as he left a good mark on Mr. "Stick up my ass" Hyuuga. This was well worth the wait, we got to see some fairly logical aftereffects of the attack with the altered teams, and plenty of warm-fuzzies with all the little interpersonal moments in here.
(sigh) Now, I have to go back to waiting again. Thanks for the chapter, and I hope your Muse is still feeling frisky for you.
Cromi posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 11:43am for A Fearful Fallout
Another fantastic chapter, totally didn't see the but with Neji coming. Keep up the good work!
Ladegard posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 11:40am for A Fearful Fallout
I enjoyed most of this chapter, but I'm really hoping for an explanation soon about Hiashi's really stupid move in council.
Viridian replied:
You don't think that emergency session was totally Hiashi's idea, do you?
liquidfyre posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 11:12am for A Fearful Fallout
YOU ROCK and so does that chapter i was getting so dissapointed with so few people updating the last few months that this Really helped alot. I was in an accident recently and broke my ankle. I can barely get to my computer and reading is damn near my only entertainment so this helped me out ALOT. and it was a damn good chapter too. I must admit i was a bit surprised at neji but maybe he not so bad after all. Keep up the good work.
JohnMc posted a comment on Friday 26th December 2008 3:39pm for A Fearful Fallout