Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Fear and Loathing
By Viridian
Jane Average posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 5:32pm for Fear and Loathing
One of the things that I like so much about your fic is the way you toss in these tiny asides that add up, in the end, to character development -- or at least, an underscore of the characters we know and love. Like that bit about Hermione and household charms :)
I'd like to strangle your beta for that cliffhanger, but really it was a brilliant spot to end a chapter :) Not that there's anything that could make me look more forward to a new chapter from you -- it always makes my day. This is hands down my favorite time travel/redo fic.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 5:17pm for Fear and Loathing
Fabulous chapter. Definately looking forward to more!
ridiculeisback posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 5:06pm for Fear and Loathing
that...was evil, lol, leaving us out at a crutial point when we can find out what has changed harry and the world around him. but no doubt you would want to keep the info from us, the boggart is one of the things that are important to recognzing a wizards personality and traits...great chapeter!!
Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:33pm for Fear and Loathing
simply excellent chapter. One of the advantages of fanfiction is a presumed familiarity with the world in question, thus it isn't necessary to re-touch on every single event from canon in your new take on things. With that noted, absolutely love the idea of the G6 helping Hagrid with his lesson plans and pointing out the risks present for those persons who aren't 'supersized'.
thanks and warmest regards
Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:15pm for Fear and Loathing
Personally, I adored that chapter. PoA is my favorite book so with the twists you add this ought to be a great arc. Everything seems to be working out really well so far, although I hate cliffhangers and you left a hell of a cliffy. I can't wait to see what it is. Also, magical trunks are ingenious. It's when someone adds bedrooms, bathrooms, training rooms and whole apartments into them that it starts to get ridiculous. Great chapter. Cheers.
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:14pm for Fear and Loathing
Awesome chapter, and nasty trick at the end with that boggart...I hope you don't take long with the next update!
JBern posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:58pm for Fear and Loathing
A good solid chapter. I hope that real life allows you to continue future chapters quicker.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:47pm for Fear and Loathing
What will Harry see, when the boggart comes out. A bit of a clifffy. Great chapter even though I had to wait.
Torak posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:45pm for Fear and Loathing
Good stuff as always, though a bit tricky to keep up after so long. Just one criticism: there's no such thing as a <i>former</i> alumnus.
Rubel posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:40pm for Fear and Loathing
Cool. I'm always glad to see a new chapter of HPATNOFP. I don't really have anything major to say other than to thank you for a great read.
Aki posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:38pm for Fear and Loathing
Hi there, I think you've got a good mix of details and progress in there. The third year seems to be getting off to a slow start. Following the revelations to the Daily prophet, I expected some fireworks from the Ministry but all appeared strangely quiet. Hmm, guess that's reserved for the next chapter?
Slughorn's replacement of Snape would probably change a few things. Where is Snape now? Is he going to reveal his true allegiance now that he's not under the Headmaster's eyes all the time?
I like how Harry tried to help Hagrid with his class management and lesson plans. It ensures some kind of continuity of the idea of time travel.
Leaving off at that cliffhanger is just wicked! Now I'm really eager to read the next chapter but from past experience, you might work on Team8 first and that means it going to be at least two more months before it's released!
Oh well, not that I'm not eager to find out what's going on there too...
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 3:17pm for Fear and Loathing
Still doing a very good job of blending canon and alterations.
However, I'd have to say the worst cliche in the chapter was the cliffhanger. ;-)
Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Graup posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 2:49pm for Fear and Loathing
Enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for sharing it.
Rob Clark posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 2:42pm for Fear and Loathing
Very good chapter. Definitely one of the best back to the past stories I've read.
JVTazz posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 2:11pm for Fear and Loathing
BAH!! cliffhangering bastid :)
Good chapter :)
CootiePatootie posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 1:04pm for Fear and Loathing
This is excellent, as always. I am always so thrilled when I see an update from you. Your work is so complex and carefully plotted that I spend much of the time between updates thinking about the current update, how it fits into the general NOFP and HP universes, and how the differences align.
I just wanted to say thanks for the update. I like what you've done with Hagrid; having Harry & Co. offer advice/hints/questions about his "beasts" is a GREAT idea. I really, really like Hagrid. I don't like stories that dismiss him as an oaf. Your treatment of him shows his naivete, but also shows his deep desire to be the best he can be. Good job.
As always, I look forward to the next installment. Best wishes for your writing.
David13 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 11:47am for Fear and Loathing
Great story, it just keeps getting better with each passing chapter. I really can't wait to see what happens next but I can wait for however long it takes to right. After all it is your story and only know how everything will turn out. I hope you ignore people that ask for a quick update and then bug you about why you haven't updated yet. It is understandable that real life gets in the way and or your muse isn't working as well as it should.
Please keep up the good work and don't worry about your next update, people that truely enjoy your story will wait however long it takes.
Ramos posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 10:51am for Fear and Loathing
Ack! Evil Cliffie!
I would never badger you for an update, nor give you a hard time for using a logical device like a better trunk for Harry- you are correct that it only makes sense that way.
I've enjoyed this story since you first began writing it, and I wait patiently for each delicious installment.
Ltank687 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 9:39am for Fear and Loathing
great, i really enjoyed it.
But i believe that most reviews will be saying, "take as long as you need, we love you!", I have to sincerely respond with dissapointment at the amount of time it took to update. Understandably it takes a while due to outside circumstances, but Bobmin puts out huge chapters every month, all the time. The regularity or lack of in updating is harming the story.
I love this story, please do not give it up, but 4 months is a long time, also.
twilightxpanic posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 6:52pm for Fear and Loathing