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liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 3:42pm for Destructive Impulses

Good chapter i LOVED Neville's response.

as for the naysayers, well, they can go bugger themselves with bazookas. It is YOUR story not thiers and its a damn good one so keep doing it the way YOU think it should go and i am willing to bet you cold cash that its still gonna get ALOT of readers.

Kail posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 3:10pm for Destructive Impulses

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday happy birthday! Happy birthday to me!

Yes, it really is my birthday. And I can think of no better present than an eagerly awaited chapter of a fic that I have followed religiously every since about chapter one, I do believe.

Top marks for this one - you really caught the essence of what Harry's boggart would have become, I feel. Reactions, discussions, and the like follow very well also - though had I been a wand-wielder in the hall outside of the Hufflepuff rooms I would have not have restrained myself as much as I know Harry and the gang did.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter all over again!

scott2 posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 2:57pm for Destructive Impulses

wonderful chapter :)

rejeimha1 posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 2:29pm for Destructive Impulses

I was almost certain that Harry was found out and would have to spend the rest of the chapter finding a suitable excuse for that explosion, but then you proved, again, that you are much smarter than me, and the more logical outcome came out. The multiple points of view in this chapter was great. I don't think I have ever scene the story ever explained from Dobby's POV, but yours was not only the first, it was also more acurate than I would have thought possible. The pranks were wonderful. When Neville asked how to make a Howler I had to scrape my jaw off the floor, but that was nothing compared to the scene of it being received. That part about Mrs. Stebbins not wanting her family involved made me chuckle at the irony, but maybe that was just the after effect of seeing Hedwig prove her cleverness by droping her own dung bomb at the tea party. I just about died laughing. Good luck with balancing your life as you write the next chapters to both of your stories.


MrRigger posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 1:49pm for Destructive Impulses

Hmm, Dumbledore is going to know something's up with the passing of this chapter. I agree that he won't figure it out, but he will know that there is something wrong. And McGonagall knows something, otherwise she never would have flinched like she did when Harry smiled at her.

Just where in time do you place her? Did she know Tom Riddle as a student? She wasn't a professor yet, that was Dumbledore, but she could have been a student with him, and that smile could have reminded her of him. Riddle was well loved because he never got in trouble, could he have perfected that 'Look, I'm so innocent it's painfully obvious I'm guilty, but you don't care because you want to believe in me, don't you Dumbledore' look, and Harry's smile reminded her of him? It's just a thought, and now that I look at it, probably not the best one, but there it is.

The boggart was handled well, and I thought it was interesting. You mentioned it was the image that had the most strong negative associations, could that mean a boggart could produce something you hate, if the negative associations are stronger than the strongest fear? That's where my mind jumped.

I want Harry to go up against Fudge, I really do. I think it would be great. I know it probably won't be soon, but I can't wait for it to happen. Maybe Goldfarb could do some digging, get the dirt, and use that somehow.

I can't wait for Neville to go after his Gran. That should be hysterical.


Alex Mcpherson posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 1:05pm for Destructive Impulses

Harry tried to give her his most innocent smile as he assured her that everything was under control… really, he did. His smile was absolutely nothing like the evil grin he’d given Neville earlier.
So why did Professor McGonagall suddenly go pale and step back like she’d seen a ghost?

Harry suddenly looked like his dad - atleast, more then he usually does?

Or you making him a Metamorphmagus (unnatural one at that)...

I think the former, hope the latter, expecting neither.

amulder posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 12:45pm for Destructive Impulses

I *LIKE* your Neville. I'm really looking forward to what happens with them next.

Hermione, also, was very wise in counselling Harry concerning the adults likely interpretation of his little blow-up. Very well done. Nicely done how you built us up, expecting a big todo, and then quietly punctured it with a bit of "occam's razor"-type of reasoning.

thanks for sharing

QOShea posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 12:34pm for Destructive Impulses

Good chapter, but tooooo short! *grin*

Mayjest posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 12:33pm for Destructive Impulses

Finally! I've been sitting here clicking refresh since your yahoo group said it was at the final beta! Obviously that's a lie, I have left and done some other stuff as well... I swear.

But otherwise, another good chapter. Not so much actual stuff happening, but good for character development. Dumbledore seems to be warming up to the new Harry, Neville's gran's gonna be dealt with, a prank was dealt, and Harry's proved to be ludicrously powerful. All in a days work!

vl100butch posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 12:26pm for Destructive Impulses

To those that critize you about an American Expeditionary Force:

1--get a life

2--you don't like it, write your own story; it's a big universe

I'm a bit puzzled about where things are going at this point, but I do love this story