Content Harry Potter Naruto


Arkeus posted a comment on Friday 1st June 2007 4:08am for Destructive Impulses

Very good. I quite liked this chapter, though it took a while for me to convince myself to read it. Oh. I can't help for harry and co to truly develop magic, compared to what they are doing now.

eg posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 6:42am for Destructive Impulses

I can't get enough of this interesting story . It's has changed considerably from the original. It's great. Hope the next chapter is coming along . Thank you.

marcw2167 posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 2:46am for Destructive Impulses

This story is very impressive and I really enjoy the premise you have created here. The story flows much better than any of the similar plot lines I have read, and is much more interesting. I look forward to future chapters.

On a side note, who did that amazing manga style drawing on your site, and do they have other artwork or take comissions? That has to be the best Harry Potter artwork I've ever seen. If you know the artist or know where there is more of their art, please email me at

Zeal posted a comment on Sunday 27th May 2007 11:28am for Destructive Impulses

I loved it, i wish you updated it quicker :)
I have read your whole story twice by now.

Damon Ring posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2007 5:08am for Destructive Impulses

As always, a finely crafted chapter that managed the difficult job of balancing what we know and love about the canon universe, while juggling a superb story.

I shall continue to look forward (without nightmares) to coming chapters

ewfan4ever posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:17am for Destructive Impulses

cant wait for the next chapter.. ive read it twice now

zagan posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:42am for Destructive Impulses

Hello !
Well first I want to say a few thing.
I hope you understood what i'm writing because I'm not very confident with my english writing-skill.
Next, this review is for the entire fic and not just this chapter.
I'm a huge fan of your Naruto fic but I had not read "Harry Potter and the Nigtmares of the Futures Past" because it was a Harry/Ginny (which I don't like) and a Hermione/Ron (which I like even less).
But I was bored, I didn't want to reread again some other fic, and I know you were a great author so I chose to try to read this fic.
And to my surprise, I really like it.
Your work is very detailled and that's one of the point I like the more.
I also really like the way you portrait the character most notably, Dumbledore, McGonagal and Snape (even if I hate the git). Dumblerdore with is fear of Harry turning Dark, it's splendid. McGonagal stern but fair and with a soft spot for Harry. Snape reaction when he discover that ,he can't read Harry's thought is perfetcly in character.
I'm not sure that Vernon would go that far with Harry but perhaps I'm underestimating him.
On the other hand Harry living with the Wesley is a wonderful idea, I particulary like Harry's condition and is interpretation of them.
They are other thing that I like but they are also one thing that I don't like and I wish to adresse it (but don't worry it's mostly personel and as nothing to do with the quality of your writing).
It's the pairing not who with who, that your choice and I respect that but ratter the way it's handled I think it's to "preprogramed", apart from a very few detail the character automatically fall for their other half. In Harry and Ginny case I can understand it, Harry come from the future and hope thing will be similar in that respect at least and Ginny as a crush on him even before encoutering him. In the case of Neville, Ron and Hermione it should have been less clear even with Harry hint and nudge. Well apart for Harry nightmare with Dumbledore when we see Hermione and Neville together but I got the impression that's because they were the only surviving member of the six.
But I won't go on and on about that after all I'm biased.
Well that's all, I hope I didn't wast to much of your time or insult you accidently.
Since I'm not sur that my email adresse is accesible from my account here is my email in case you wish to respond to some of the thing I said :
I will be waiting the next chapter impatiently.

Jane Average posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:40am for Destructive Impulses

Brilliant chapter! I loved Remus' musing, and Dobby...! Dobby was AMAZING. You did a great job keeping him bubbly and Dobby-like, while showing that he still thinks on levels that are just as creepily servile as Kreacher. It makes him seem like so much less of an anomaly :)

The Ancient Runes/Arithmancy thing was interesting. I never really thought about it, but you're right, Hermione must have wished she had someone to really talk to about that stuff.

That innocent smile reminded McG of James, didn't it? :D I bet that would be eerie -- she's so used to Harry being so different, and to see him with James' trademark innocent grin that I'm sure he used on her a thousand times...

And of course, the Howler was WONDERFUL. I am so glad to see Neville standing up to his Gran... Hogsmeade should be fascinating! :) (Not to mention the upcoming details on Neville's statement to Luna!... are you doing a Head-of-Family sort of thing? I'm deathly curious!)

skyangyl posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2007 8:01pm for Destructive Impulses

Wow. I just read all of this in one gulp and I am just...

Well, gobsmacked, to be sure.

I anxiously await updates.


Damian V Knight posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 3:03am for Destructive Impulses

i cant wait till you write the next one. these are amazingly accurate. so please hurry with 34. :)

brad posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 6:34pm for Destructive Impulses

"Glimpses of torn underclothes" -- Brrrrr. I tell you what, if Harry ever finds out that Draco *did* violate Ginny that day, I hope you write a particularly detailed scene about his tearing Malfoy into little pieces. Of course, Draco's suspected assault hasn't happened yet in this world, and hopefully won't, so I guess it's a moot point.

Enjoyed the zebras saying! Is that a Matthew original?

I liked the chat with Remus; it could be he's going to be a larger part of Harry's life than I had thought before. Especially since you've hinted as to a coming crisis with Harry's burgeoning power, and Remus has now volunteered to assist. Harry's been in a unique position of calling all the shots to date, because he's been the one with all the knowledge. But the problem of his too-powerful magical core will be something completely new in his experience ... it would be nice to see Remus and the others gather round to help a vulnerable!Harry through it.

Enjoyed very much the Neville/Luna/Gran segment. Your development of AU!Neville - and Luna! - has been wonderful in this story. thank you for this new chapter!

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 9:04am for Destructive Impulses

Great chapter!

Poor Harry, I'm surprised he didn't see Remus or Sirius dead as well. I guess because he's around the others more often, it's hitting him closer to home?

Damn Dumbledore. He just keeps thinking Harry's more and more eeevuhl, doesn't he? ::sighs::

YES! WONDERFUL bit with Neville! It is -so- nice to see him able to stand up and rail on his gran! Nice set up into next chapter (if that's when the visit is, that is), and I can't wait to see what'll happen!

Umm, I know I mentioned it in my past review, but I keep thinking about it now. -What- is going on with Care of Magical Creatures? Did I just misunderstand that bit from the previous chapters (can't remember which one), or was it just a typo? I'm very confused...

Keep up the great work, and thank you so much for this wonderful update!

Harry James posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 5:15am for Destructive Impulses

Wow that is great.Wow that was great.

Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 8:46am for Destructive Impulses

Wow, I figured his boggart would be...horrible. But his reaction to the Voldemort shape was brilliant. I'd like to comment on all of this chapter, but you wrote it and know it quite well, so I'll keep this short. I'm always entertained and completely absorbed in this fic and I this chapter was no different. I'm looking forward to the confrontation (well, that's what it is, isn't it?) between Neville and his gran. Cheers.


Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 3:57pm for Destructive Impulses

Way to go! This is definitely one of the best. I doubt Good Ole J.K. could do better!

Prince Charon posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 5:24am for Destructive Impulses

Marguerite decided she’d better owl Kenneth once she was home. It would be best if her son was careful that no one knew he’d told her of Neville’s continued association with some of the lower sorts in his house. It just wouldn’t do to be involved with this particular family squabble.

LOL! I think its a little to late for that, lady.

Very interesting part.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2007 9:23pm for Destructive Impulses

Hmmmmm...I'll bet that McGonagall had a flashback to the smiles of James and/or Sirius. Chuckle. Another excellent chapter! I enjoyed seeing Harry and Remus bonding. I hope that Harry adds him to the group soon! As for Dumbledore.... I find it curious that he's willing to give his pet projects another chance but is convinced that Sirius should have sat in Azkaban forever. Sigh. High fives to Neville for his response to his grandmother, she should really get a life. As for that "friend" of hers I wonder what she'll say when she realizes that her son had been found out? She might wonder if a Howler is on its way to her next! Thanks for another excellent chapter!

gadriam posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 11:11pm for Destructive Impulses

Neville with a backbone is a fantastic read. Luna's continuing insecurity regarding him feels a tad overdone, but it brings out his inner gentleman brilliantly. Besides, isn't Neville the head of at least his branch of the family? If so, he's got a lot of ammo for this upcoming meeting. The only other male member of his family we know is Uncle Algie. Maybe Nev could get his uncle's support and pull the rug completely on the old bag. The idea of a civil adress in a howler is quite hilarious and also incredibly stereotypically british. Keep it up, and post when you're ready. I'll be here.

Harry James posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 6:40pm for Destructive Impulses

I love you. . . Jk. Another way to defend yourself is to say that the wizarding world doesn't always agree with the muggle government, so they have different laws for obvious reasons. Also, one other reason could be that you, not they, are the author of your created world, so they can shut their cakeholes and cry in a dark corner. I'd just like to say, fantastic job, as always. I really liked how you put in the childhood prank from Harry. I think some forget he's still just a kid and its refreshing to see him act like one on occasion. I also found it funny that you decided on having him act childish when Lupin just told him he was rather mature. I would like to know more of Dumbledore's thoughts and reactions, but I conceed to the master. You do wonderful work and it is all I expect from you. Enjoy.

KenF posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 11:52am for Destructive Impulses

Hmmm... I had a longer review here, but my American TV attention span forgot it.

For the boggart lesson, let us just say, "If it's good enough for Voldie, it's good enough for a common boggart."

I hope Hogsmeade is still standing after the confrontation between Neville and his grandmother.

Thanks for the update!