Content Harry Potter Naruto


Ike posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 4:28pm for Revelations

Fantastic chapter...I like the way you handled the angstness, though perhaps you might consider using something different from the "teachers just didnt teach him stuff" card...its been coming up a lot, and it makes total sense, yet by now, I'd imagine that Naruto would have gotten sick over all the lack of shit that he shoulda known, and tried to do something about it.

Justin W. Conley posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 4:14pm for Revelations

Another excellent chapter! Also, I completely agree with your psycological reasoning about the guilt delay. No way is he going to feel guilty about killing a (of Iruka, no less) killer who brags about torturing/using Kurenai and Hinata. Only well afterwards would he wonder if he made the right move.
To be fair to those melodramatic angst fests in 30 minute shows, they have 30 minutes a week to show everything they can, then a week later another 30 minutes. So if it appears in the show that ANY time has passed since the deed (ie: not in front of the corpse/ on the bridge/ ect) people will wonder and complain 'is he STILL whining about that?' I guess you could say the emotional content is compressed and accelerated (no wonder so many of the characters seem bipolar).
Anyway keep up the great work!

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 4:02pm for Revelations

Actually I thought that it was VERY realistic, though a little suprising that he didn't think of the man he was supposedly 'avenging' at all during the fight. Regardless, this was an excellent chapter. The additional insight shown to us by Kurenai's reactions to naruto's counciling, as well as Shino's patient answer are excellent examples of how you can make or break a story in the details, and let me tell you, this one was a definate 'Make'.

thanks again,

aboulhosnc posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 4:01pm for Revelations

At first I disliked naruto the real thing show and manga, because of the way the main character acted being stupid and not being all that good in fights, but after watching a later episode i read the whole manga again and i was hooked, and i like your stories anyway so when i say you had updated on fanfic i saw this story as well, suffice to say i loved it, and after reading al the better ones as well i still like yours the best and i love naruto/hina so please keep up the good work

and update soon please

Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 3:04pm for Revelations

Hmm, you know even verbally ripping those that sabotaged Naruto pre-team 8 is looking like a full time job. Or at least a serious hobby to fill most of Kurenai's and Iruka's free time.

OTOH the shrink's actions in NOT properly consoling Naruto represent a serious breach of medical ethics, what you feel about the patient doesn't matter, or at least shouldn't, you give them the best care you can. And it could be considered criminally negligent, not just for the harm it caused Naruto. I assume that such sessions also serve to weed out shinobi canidates that are psycologically unfit for such a life. Those that wouldn't be able to take a life, or live with the consequences of doing so afterwards, but more imporantly those that would enjoy it too much. See Itachi Uchiha. Imagine the damage Naruto could do if he was mentally inclined to pull an Itachi. Easing such personalities out of shinobi training would be a good thing, or at least keep an eye on them in their early careers to make sure they turn out okay. I suggest a word to the Hokage, so he can land on the shrink with a pair of steel toed boots.

I suppose Naruto is lucky the shrink didn't try to stamp him 'too mentally unstable' to be trained. Maybe such an overt act would have too much oversite (read, land on the Hokage's desk) and multiple shrinks conquring to be pulled off.

Bobboky posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 3:02pm for Revelations


Darrell1 posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 2:38pm for Revelations

hey nice chapter i like that he finally told them about Kyuubi and how they accepted him for it. The kid deserves it after all thats happened to him. I was also wondering are you going to introduce Tsunade into the story or end it before hand? And if so will you have Sakura still as her apprentice or have Hinata instead considering that Hinata is his teammate and not Sakura. And is Jiraiya gonna even train Naruto because i can't see Kurenai just dumping Naruto off to Ebisu like Kakashi did *Lazy Bastard* and well love the story ^.^

kwp posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 2:35pm for Revelations

I enjoyed that Shino had figured out Naruto's secret already proved. Hinata's recation seemed perfectly in character. Naruto's own cycle of self-doubt turning into despair and then back to resolution played out nicely.

Once again, you handle the falling action of aftermath so well that I realize how important and essential it is for a good story. Thank you.

QOShea posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 2:08pm for Revelations

Whoooooo ... good chapter, Matt. For some reason I've got a feeling that a certain medical professional is gonna get torn a new opening verbally.

Keep up the good work and don't let the twits ruin your fun with the story!


Prince Charon posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 1:52pm for Revelations

You're very good at this.

Orion posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 1:26pm for Revelations

I believe i said in my last review that this was the first Naruto fiction i've read.

Since reading this, I have read others and I still maintain that this is the best. Having seen few episodes - the most recent being Hinata's fight with Neji, I also find myself a very strong Naruto/Hinata shipper.

Anyway, good work, and thank you turning me onto another good anime.