Team 8
By Viridian
Nights Silhoutte posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2013 8:08pm for Revelations
Another great chapter, I really liked the scene with the ANBU at the end.
Vilkath posted a comment on Saturday 8th May 2010 3:56am for Revelations
Realistic chapter but also a bit unbelievable in Naruto's horrible reactions to killing some one. I understand he has issues with the Kyuubi and any negative emotion makes him think he is a demon and all but I do grow tired of the angsty crap over first kill so many fics try and do. In a normal modern day kill sure.. a kid would feel horrible about it. But morals, ethics and all that are built upon the society we live in and the enviroment around us. Kohona is a NINJA village, they raise their kids to be killers from a young age and only shower them with glory and honor for doing so.
They get paid to kill random people for no other reason than some one paid them to do it which is even a step beyond a regular soldier killing some one because they are the 'enemy'. As such in that society I have a real hard time believing 20th century modern morality exist at all, human lives are cheap in that society and the enemy is just a walking bag of flesh to be killed. It's like a society that taught themselves eating pork was wrong, a moral sin and all that. Another country who never was exposed to this idea would never even question eating a pig or not.
It's been a long running issue in Naruto-fanfiction and it always makes me mad, even in cases like this where the whole ordeal is well written, that such a wussy modern look on killing is applied to a society of professional killers.
ShadeHawk posted a comment on Saturday 27th December 2008 6:26am for Revelations
"But I am just shocked… shocked I tell you, at such coarse language!"
potterfan posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 6:19pm for Revelations
ooh ... one question for you ... in the anime that I watch ... jonin is spelt jounin ... any reason for one spelling over the other?
Sorry! That just distracted me a lot!
Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 4:49am for Revelations
Sorry I haven't written comments before, but my online time is limited. Loved the joke about Shino eating for three and even Hinata yelling 'That's bullshit!' loud enough to shock Naruto into the water. This is one of my all time favorite stories. I also wanted to mention from the bottom of my heart, thank you for not re-treading the Wave Country mission! That poor story thread has been regurgitated endlessly by just about every fan author who strings more than 2k together!
Keep up the good work!
Devan posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 9:19am for Revelations
I found this fic yesterday while searching for Hinata merchandise oddly enough.
I love it.
I read all eight chapters here (Gave me something to do at work lol) and I can honestly say that this is probably the best naruto fic, if not the best fic, that I've ever read.
As a strong Hinata fanboy, I'm pleased in how you managed to perfectly capture her personality and intertwine it with the story (I Really HATE[/Bold] Hiashi for how he treats her)
As far as all the other characters go, tres magnifique. Kurenai's past appears to be well thought out. Shino's personality is, IMO, right on the mark (Hard to tell though lol)Naruto is....well, Naruto but better.
Awesome, truely Awesome.
Uldihaa posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 4:12pm for Revelations
Another excellent chapter in a superb fic! I like the way you explored Naruto's reaction to killing, particularly the way he enjoyed the terror of the one he was stangling. You presented it clearly and avoided dwelling on Naruto's angst.
I also felt that the revelation of his secret was done well. It was a great example to Naruto that, for true friends, his prisoner isn't that big a deal.
The way you delt with Naruto learning to handle killing was also well done. It really shows just how far all of Team 8 have come since being formed.
It seems that Naruto is begining to suspect what Hinata's home life is like, if I'm reading the last few paragraphs right. Shino also seems to be picking up the hints. I wonder how they will react when they do learn what Hinata has gone through at home. I'm looking forward to finding out.
Can't wait until next chapter!
Sanityfaerie posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:40am for Revelations
Also, nifty.
that is all.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 10:54pm for Revelations
Nice was a bit wierded out at first but now im really wanting to get my hands on and read/watch some real naruto as well good work more soon or i shall attack you with a sharpened spork
Jim Starluck posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 1:56am for Revelations
Just read this through from start to finish, and even though I was only passingly familiar with Naruto to begin with...
Me likey.
Enjoyable story and characters, and it wasn't too hard for a newbie like me to figure things out.
Already looking forward to the next chapter. =)
gaul2000 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 4:15pm for Revelations
good chapter, much enjoyed
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 4:51am for Revelations
Wow, thanks for an early update!
I really like the way Naruto's (and the other genins') emotional development is done here. There is a lot of that happening in this chapter, but I can't find fault with anything.
I love the scene with Hinata and Naruto at the stream. Hinata yelling at him is just priceless, and by far the best thing to bring him out of his funk.
Naruto revealing the Kyuubi actually surprised me quite a bit. I didn't expect it yet, but I'm pleasantly surprised you chose to do it in this way. Team 8 is more united now and the new synergy shows when they confront the ANBU at the end of the chapter. I really loved the twitching ANBU, by the way.
I liked how you let Hinata deal with Naruto's insecurities. Naruto may not realize it yet, but Hinata's opinion is probably the most important to him, though Kurenai comes close.
I was a bit surprised about Shino asking about the Kyuubi so openly. I expected him to figure it out on his own sooner or later, but I didn't think he'd do it in such a public way. I expected Shino to pull him aside one day and talk to him one-on-one. Having it happen like this does serve to bring it out in the open and get it over and done with, though, which is a far better end result.
Hinata tipping off Kurenai about the counsellor and the ensuing scene were very well handled, too. I like Kurenai's protectiveness for Naruto, and those displays make it obvious that she isn't someone to be trifled with. Her expressing her pride for Naruto was a crucial point and is probably the major factor in Naruto's improved attitude.
The scene between Hinata and Shino was really great, too. Major props for coming back to the scene early in the story and cementing their loyalty to Naruto this way.
I also like the foreshadowing in the last section. Now that Naruto's own troubles are lifted off him, he can concentrate on Hinata more, which will likely eventually help both their relationship and Hinata's home situation. Is that what the next story arc is about?
looking forward to more. Keep up the good work!
Yojo posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 2:22am for Revelations
Very nice chapter, especially the insight to Naruto's psyche on his relationship to the demon. Honestly I'm surprised that he hasn't sought out the demon yet to try to control it, but it works. I can't wait to hear more of what you say about the Fourth. Great job and keep up the good work!
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 1:53am for Revelations
I have to agree a delayed angst fest with a quick
resolution as his teamates and teacher explain
and reafirm his actions worked quite well.
Excellent chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing
all of his teamates brought before the Hokage for
beating up the old man.
Hianta strikes on the first night back.
Shino plans things out and hits the second night.
Kurenai strikes the third night after finishing
all the paperwork.
Leaving the old man terrified for the rest of
the year as he waits for Naruto, who has
shrugged the whole thing off as better off
forgotten as he atempts to devour the
villiage's entire raman supply.
Naruto going through ramen withdraw is a terrible thing.
I wonder if he'll modify a fire jutsu to speed
up the cooking process. He's seen enough of
them recently to get a feel for it.
I still wonder if Hinata could quit her clan.
Kail posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 12:43am for Revelations
You know, Shino's observations should have been at least partially noticed by Naruto's canon teammates - but they never did. And likely for the same reasons that Shino outlines when thinking about Sasuke and his fangirls. Too focused on the greatness that is Uchiha Sasuke!
A moment please, while I gag and hack up a few internal organs in total disgust.
But seriously, given that Shino is demostratedly observant, it comes as no surprise that he'd come to the conclusion that he did; not totally accurate, of course, but close enough to get the general idea.
Your comments on Naruto and when he angsted out...very true. The human psyche is an incredible thing, but it's slow as slugs sometimes when it comes to reacting to external events.
*smirk* Ah, those poor ANBU. Thinking those were just bunshin. They would've gotten the surprise of their masked lives if they'd tried something. I'm almost disappointed they didn't.
So, Back to Konoha? With the changes in teh group now that everyone knows about Naruto's fuzzy freeloader, I can't wait to see if Hinata stands up to her clan or needs some more work with Naruto to beef up herself mentally.
Either way, I'll be dedicatedly lurking about for that (and the Potter story Nightmares) update. See ya!
Adrian R Brown posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 12:32am for Revelations
I knew that Shino would figure the whole thing out on his own, before Hinata discovered the truth.
As always, great chapter! I love the looks and insites into Shino's thought processes, and his opinions and observations on the things that are going on.
With the team heading back home, does this mean that we'll see the Chunin Exams coming up? Looking forward to it immensely.
Keep up the good work!
shinjai posted a comment on Tuesday 15th August 2006 12:30am for Revelations
Another great chapter. Your characterisation and character development pacing is excellent and the angst timing was a great storytelling touch. It's also good to see the characters around Naruto drawing their own conclusions for once instead of having to be told about his secret.
I look forward to future chapters with great anticipation. Keep up the excellent work.
Davideg posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 8:26pm for Revelations
i love this story it is fantastic please keep up the fantastick work and update agin a.s.a.p.
Mickey posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 5:28pm for Revelations
Very nice story, after reading your Jinchuuriki's Tale I decided to read this on despite not being a Narutu fan. I liked your charactarization of all your characters, and find Hinata's attitude extremly annoying, which come to think of it is the same way I felt about a girl I knew who at the time was in an abusive relationship.
I really hope something is done about the old man who told Narutu he wouldn't have a problem. The others might have slipped by as simply not doing what they should have but he deliberatly set out to sabotage Narutu.
Great job about Narutu's reaction, although I'd have thought it would take longer for reaction to set in.
One more thing you did a great job with the electricity red herring, establishing and using it in a relativly span.
WOuld Hinata be able to leave her father's household if she wished (and accepted not getting anything from her family) or is there something in the culture that would prevent that?
The Unicorn
thomasnealy posted a comment on Sunday 5th May 2013 3:47pm for Revelations