Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
The Not So Welcoming Feast
By Viridian
20cent posted a comment on Tuesday 25th August 2015 2:32am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
I just reread the entire story, and it is still one of the most captivating fanfic I've ever seen. You have a distinctive way of writing this back-in-time-through-a-younger-self story. We never have the feeling of reading a pale copy JKR's book : you manage to convey Harry's feelings about what he has already lived (while keeping it short about the facts because he and we already know what happenned), his surprise regarding the small differences and fate's unavoidable checkpoints, his apprehensions (and preparation) regarding the future he knows about.
You also manage to add a new depth within the HP universe : the housekeeping charms, the Xmas ornaments, the boardgames, the "auror" training, the hospital, the guardianship hearing, Percy's job ... I also love the different point of views about the same facts (Arthur's, Molly's, Giny's). It is very well written and adds a lot to the story.
However, I feel like a few differences with cannon were not entirely developped : what about the new rune+arithmancy classes (and rumours concerning divination), what about his relashionship with Gringotts we saw the effect on wards, but will he meet Goldfarb again, work on an alliance ?), what happened to the Dursleys and the bloodwards (maybe Harry doesn't car enough to check), what about all the knew magical things he discovers while actually living with the Weasleys (magazines, cookbooks, creatures, shops, medication, ceremonies, songs, traditions, religion, wizarding heritage buildings and sites, ...). It's just a piece of detail, but it would add depth to the story to read things like that (especially because you write very well about those).
Anyway, I can't wait to discover who is Slytherin's secret spy and murderer, and can't wait to read about Snape and Malfoy coming back to Hogwarts for the Cup !
Thanks a lot foor your story !
sq33kl337 posted a comment on Monday 27th July 2015 2:45pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
I was really pleased to notice this recent(-ish) update. I really love this story and can't wait to see how the Triwizard Tournament changes with Umbridge in the picture :)
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd June 2015 6:29pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
I laughed so hard at Ginny teasing Charlie like that. That was brilliant.
That was such a mean place to leave it! Just no multi-year gap this time please. I'm so thrilled to have this back. Wonderful chapters. More please.
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Saturday 16th May 2015 3:43pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Didn't realize I'd missed the last few updates...but that made all the better for a reading binge! Still loving it. Nice twist with Percy moving into the DMLE under Bones. Nice in to feel her out more about Sirius, and possibly extend Harry's circle. But Umbridge, so early... ugh. Curddles my stomach!
dennisud posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 5:51pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Read this saga over a few nights and I have to say this is one of a vrey few that I like that have the peirings I don't like, which to me means ita one hell of a well written story!
Keep them up!
tcl7189 posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2015 12:15am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Another wonder chapter... Can't wait for the next one!!
roversmad posted a comment on Saturday 11th April 2015 11:35am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Hi, I just wanted to say how good your story is, I think it is the best I've read and I've read a lot. I don't care how long it takes you to finish as long as you do. I will just get the enjoyment of rereading as I just have if there is a particularly long gap. I wish you all the best and lots of creative thoughts. Thanks Andrew.
dianaanne posted a comment on Friday 10th April 2015 11:19pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Glad to have the update, but could Umbridge meet a timely demise? Soon?
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Friday 10th April 2015 2:18am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
You are an evil, cliffie setting, rascal of an author. Thank you for the lovely surprise of another excellent chapter.
The surprise is the chapter, not its excellence.
mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2015 6:03pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Awaiting more.
Paddy_Murphy posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2015 8:44am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
2 NoFP updates in less than 2 months? Oh, frabjous day!
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2015 5:32am for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Does this version really have 1400 or so words more than the one at FFN? Thanks for writing. W.
witowsmp posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 10:33pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
It's always good to get an update.
Ilonwy posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 9:02pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Thank you so much for updating so quickly!! I can't wait to read about the tournament.
scribbler posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 6:03pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Hate Harry/Ginny. Never, ever understood why she-who-must-not-write-epilogs thought that such a pairing would work out. Almost as bad as Hermione/MoRon.
Kilroy posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 5:18pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
I guess the Ministry doesn't want the Tri-Wizard Tournament to actually foster good relations with Magical France or Beauxbatons, then. Umbridge in the same event as Madame Maxime (and probable champion Fleur Delacour) is a disaster waiting to happen.
And with Snape as Durmstrang headmaster, can Draco be far behind?
I am very glad to see this so soon after the previous chapter. Thank you.
Duraiken posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 4:16pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
Umbridge. Ugh. Not a good sign when things with Umbridge appearing. Still, in spite of that, it feels like the plot is proceeding at a pretty good pace, and the twist with Percy was pretty interesting. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Edward Becerra posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2015 3:53pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast
"Yes, I am bringing in one of the most detested characters in the Potterverse, and I’m doing it early!"
You're bringing in young Dennis? You Cad! You bounder! You monster!
Good to read another chapter, and I enjoyed it. Have to go shopping, but a longer review will follow. Ta!
Jmcmutt posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2017 9:52pm for The Not So Welcoming Feast