Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
Harsh Words
By Viridian
shrinni posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:03pm for Harsh Words
Hooray, a new chapter! As always, I was enthralled, and had to read it twice before I could start think about a coherent review.
I'm curious about the Patronus situation. The first time around, Harry learned the charm fairly early in the school year, and with no Boggart around he was able to produce the vapor relatively easily (IIRC, he made some vapor the very first day he learned it). So, I find it odd that Ron and Hermione can't do the same or better. Actually, given what you've already said (last chapter I think) about their constant practice increasing their spell power and such, I was really suprised that none of the others could make any vapor. (nitpicking, I know)
I can't wait for Rita's articles to come out! I want to know all the strange and personal questions Rita asked (and especially: what kind of underwear DOES harry wear?).
Over on the yahoo group there's been a lot of discussion about the boggart Lupin shows the 3rd years. You probably already have mad and devious plans for that, but if not I wanted to make a plea for some mention of it to make it into the story.
Anyway, the chapter was wonderful, but I did notice a sentance with a funny (to me) word choice: "...the frost that frosted the bark..." You had frost noun the sentance and then verb it, and it made me giggle. That is all.
I impatiently await a new chapter, but I'm sure my short attention span will keep me from going TOO crazy waiting for an update. Good luck with the computer situation!
minervakitty posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:09pm for Harsh Words
hehe Harry should talk a little more about Draco taking his money and using it. I do hope that you have something nasty planned for the Dursleys as well. Will the wards get strengthened? Just how long will it take for a lot of flak to come from the interview?
plasmasphere posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 11:59am for Harsh Words
Great chapter!
Inventive fights with something more than just magic are fun, but I have trouble seeing Harry enjoying killing even something as evil as a dementor. Relief is more of what I would expect. But as usual it's just your changes based on memories, right?
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 9:19am for Harsh Words
Brilliant! I liked the bits with the Wards. So many stories have Harry as the only one capable of Killing dementors and in yours he only uses a simple summoning charm! None of this stuff about super corporeal patroni!
Stuff with Rita was good, kind of liked the believability of how she was still sort of up to her old tricks. Harry's view of the Wizarding world is pretty harsh and bleak, I would have thought Arthur might have called him up on that a bit more. Especially as the idea of Harry being from the future is so new to him.
Please update as soon as your able too!
This is my favourite story out there! Can't wait for them to get back to Hogwarts and see Neville back with them!
BT posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 9:02am for Harsh Words
I am completely hooked on this story, and every time the story is updated I feel like it is Christmas (or something). Thank you for doing such a great job!
DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 8:16am for Harsh Words
Interesting chapter; we'll see where it leads. Like Arthur, Harry's had best hope it doesn't blow up in his face.
Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 7:27am for Harsh Words
Excellent chapter. The wait has been long but worth it. I especially liked the upbuilding you seem to be making, I have the feeling we are in for another big one the next chapter or right after that......
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 2:32am for Harsh Words
Hey just wanted to say great work on this latest chapter. Interesting way to destroy the dementors for sure with some interesting questions you asked about how/why. Awesome work with the rita interview and harry's brief talk with luna.
As to the speed, sure your not cranking out a ton of chapters a month like some authors but on the other hand your extremely regular in turning out 2 or 3 quality chapters a month. And also your Naruto chapters tend to be wicked long and cover a ton of ground! screw teh whiners. :) Keep up the awesome work. Off to re-read the latest team 8 now infact. Cheerio
Srikanth posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 2:08am for Harsh Words
Well an interestiing offensive by harry. striking first through papers. But one question remains... What if RITA was hostile? i know this is AU of a AU but...
I like the reaction of Ginny though.
Well as always a brilliant chapter
Todd Rodgers posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:26am for Harsh Words
I'm tremendously glad to see this story updated, it's definitely one of my favorites. Now that you're venturing into somewhat more strongly AU (as far as events), it is very interesting to watch where you're driving the story and how Harry is continuing to try and take charge.
I really enjoyed this chapter. The matchmaking of Mrs. Longbottom (it'll be interesting to watch Neville resolve this) is a neat twist, but really shouldn't be unexpected from such an "august" family. The interview with Rita was VERY well done, I think.
One thing I think Harry might be interested in would be trying to adapt the wards for a more... permanent and portable solution for his later dementor problems. There's only been a few stories that feature the destruction of dementors -- most of them are "Super!Harry" stories that just overpower a patronus. You have a very unique viewpoint of how that should have happened, and I definitely like it.
Please keep it up!
uthamm posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:24am for Harsh Words
Very nice. I liked the way the dementors were handled. I was reading back through some past chapters and wondered if Dumbledore would be able to get the information that Harry is concealing from Percy. You seem to have set up the situation that trust has an affect on occulmency (e.g. Ginny and Harry before the chamber). The other question that I had was if you could 'accidently' break a wizarding bond - Percy took an oath to protect the family. If he inadvertantly trusts the wrong person(Dumbledore, for example or the Ministry), would/could he break the bond?
Great Story.
johnapple posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:49am for Harsh Words
The plot thickens - oh so interesting.Thank you
Stone Cold posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:29am for Harsh Words
This was a very good chapter. I had missed it. And I did get frustrated when I saw Team 8 updates , but that's just me. I'm no fan of anime.
This was an excellent part, I loved the Rita interview... and the reunion of the Marauders.
I can't wait to see how Remus's eyes bulge when he learns the whole truth.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:10am for Harsh Words
FAbulous chapter - I really enjoy the intricate plotting, both story-wise and by the characters in the story.
thanks for doing such a great job of using the Rita character in a manner that is true to canon yet perfect to advance Harry's aims.
To what account can I send donations? - $5 a chapter seems reasonable to me.
Heather posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 11:11pm for Harsh Words
She’d just watched the Boy Who Lived declare war on half of the Wizarding world.
Excellent. I've enjoyed this story from its start, and this latest installment is a wonderful glimpse into (what could hopefully be) a better wizarding world.
I'm curious to see how the gang reacts to Neville and vice versa once the school year starts. I'm very fond of Luna, and your characterization of her is wonderful.
crawfsh posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 7:03pm for Harsh Words
Fantastic chapter! Its great that Harry was finally able to destroy some dementors after all the trouble they'd given him in his previous life. Can't wait to see how the wizarding world reacts to Harry's interview with Rita. I'm sure there will be lots of excitement in the next chapter. Keep up the great work!
Lufio posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 6:12pm for Harsh Words
Oooo. Having Harry be the first to use the press for spin and mud-slinging is an enjoyable turn of events. Especially since I can expect an excellent accounting of the battle for public opinion.
X'andirth posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 6:02pm for Harsh Words
*happy dance*
Yay! More story!
Thank you!
I am loving this story so much. It's brilliant!
Especially the way you've made it so the same things don't happen the way they do in the book.
It's all different and exciting.
I'm loving it!
Prince Charon posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 3:45pm for Harsh Words
Thank you for the update.
Very interesting. I particularly like the interview, and Harry's reasoning.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:29pm for Harsh Words